Project: Internet games "Zajęcia komputerowe 3", Data: 01.2019 - 05.2019, Work: Illustrations, Animations (selected works), Client: School publishing "Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.", Format: 1180 x 688 px

Project: Internet games "Zajęcia komputerowe 3", Data: 01.2019 - 05.2019, Work: Illustrations, Animations (selected works), Client: School publishing "Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.", Format: 1180 x 688 px
Project: Student's book "English Class A2 Student`s Book", Data: 12.2018, Work: Illustrations, Client: School publishing "Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o.", Format: 21 x 15 cm
Project: Educational films "Bugs Team 3 DVD", Data: 05.2018 - 10.2018, Work: Illustrations, Animations, Client: School publishing "Macmillan Polska Sp. z o.o.", Format: 960 x 540 px
Project: The wall for the theatrical performance "Andromeda", Data: 08.2018, Work: Illustrations, Client: Centrum Hewelianum, Format: 200 x 200 cm
Project: Student's book "Komplett 1", Data: 05.2018, Work: Illustrations (selected works), Client: School publishing "Lektorklett Sp. z o.o.", Format: different
Project: Internet games "Zajęcia komputerowe 2", Data: 02.2018 - 05.2018, Work: Illustrations, Animations (selected works), Client: School publishing "Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.", Format: 1180 x 688 px